Tuesday, October 22, 2013


"My cat's name is Gardener, this is the name we adopted him with, but as we learned more about his funny little personality, he quickly adopted the name 'Weasel' as a representation for his crafty, curious and mischievous demeanour. Weasel is now 10 years old. As of Feb. 22nd, 2013, his world and ours would change drastically as we learned the news of his pancreatic cancer."

Gardener was presented at our practice with a history of pancreatic cancer with a guarded prognosis. At the time of presentation, Gardener had a poor appetite; he was barely eating. Upon initial exam, a mass was palpable in the cranial abdomen. We started with a session of acupuncture and biopuncture, followed with a Vitamin B12 injection, homeopathic remedies and Chinese herbs.

In a couple of weeks, Gardener's guardian reported improved appetite and overall better energy. Biopuncture and acupuncture session were repeated every couple of months.

One year after the initial diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, we booked Gardener in for a repeat Ultrasound which revealed a slight shrinkage of the pancreatic mass (by about 1cm). However, unfortunately, 2 new nodules were discovered on the liver.

After the ultrasound visit, a session of biopuncture and autosanguis and acupuncture was repeated and Gardener was sent home with a new homeopathic remedy along with medicinal mushrooms.

Gardener's guardian reported that he had a good appetite until December 2014, 22 months after original diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.

Upon examination, an enlarged abdominal mass was palpable most likely involving the liver. Gardener's appetite was low. We repeated biopuncture and autosanguis therapy and also gave a Vitamin B12 injection. After a couple of days, Gardener's guardian reported an improved appetite and the energy level had also improved.

The Holistic Vet Update:
At this time, it has been close to 2 years since past Gardener's original diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and we are happy to report that he is still maintaining a good appetite and enjoying life.
While at the clinic, Gardener received homeopathic injections and acupuncture treatment.


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