"We first met Dr. Haghighat in June 2011. Our 10 year old Golden Retriever Candy had developed arthritis and the normal medication that our regular vet put her on did not agree with her. Their explanation for her unusual behaviour was that she suddenly had gotten dementia. Not liking that answer and Candy taking herself off the medication, we thought we would try a holistic approach. This was something completely out of our comfort zone but for our girl we would try anything.
From the moment we walked into Dr. Haghighat’s office all our apprehension vanished. He made us and Candy feel completely comfortable. He spent probably an hour with us and immediately started Candy on some herbal medication, gave her a chiropractor treatment as well as acupuncture. We followed the regime he gave us and noticed results almost immediately. We went from being worried about facing the possibility that this was going to be the end of Candy, to seeing a whole new dog who began behaving like a puppy again. She was getting up off the ground with great ease, was going for longer and longer walks and even started to jog at times. We hadn’t seen this in her for months. Candy went back to her sweet happy self. Her progression went way beyond what we ever thought in a matter of months. Candy improved so much that we actually took another step and got a puppy as we had no doubt Candy could handle it and she has. So now both our dogs go to Dr. Haghighat.
It has been 3 years now since we first started going to see Dr. Haghighat, Candy has gone back periodically for a chiropractor treatment and acupuncture and after each session she seems to be renewed. She is now 13 years old and has certainly slowed down due to age but I am one hundred percent certain that if we did not go to see Dr. Sasan, we would have had to make the decision to put her out of her misery. We will be forever grateful to Dr. Haghighat for treating Candy with such gentleness and kindness. We recommend Dr. Haghighat to everyone we know."
Candy's mom
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