Thursday, March 13, 2014


Jessie is an 11 year old female spayed American Eskimo and her guardian adopted her when she was 5 years old from Sarnia Humane Society in March of 2008. A year or so later, she started developing sores around the eyes and lower jaw and vaginal area. A biopsy done through her conventional vet confirmed an immune-mediated skin condition – most likely pemphigus. 

Jessie’s diet consisted of a small amount of kibble, cooked vegetables, salmon, organic eggs, organic tofu and probiotics.  Jessie had not been vaccinated for the past 3 years. Upon the initial visit, we at the North East Newmarket Holistic Veterinary Clinic recommended a slight adjustment in her diet - advising her guardian to stop feeding the kibble and to increase the amount of vegetables – the remainder of the diet was unchanged. 

We started Jessie on a biopuncture & auto-sanguis protocol in order to down-regulate her immune system. We used a combination of mixed homeopathics and Chinese herbs. During the treatment, Jessie was not on any conventional medication. After 4 visits in the span of 2 months, Jessie’s condition started to improve and in less than 6 months, the skin lesions have almost disappeared. You can see the before & during pictures below! Jessie as she appears today is shown above.

Jessie is a true success story by demonstrating how a holistic approach can assist in healing one of the most difficult medical conditions. We wish Jessie and her wonderful guardian Mary all the best and would like to thank them for all of their dedication and following up with our treatment protocol!

The team at North East Newmarket Holistic Veterinary Clinic

(Jessie - Before)

(Jessie - During)


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